Florence Bertails
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Welcome to my PhD web page ! I did my PhD from September 2002 to June 2006 within the EVASION team at INRIA Rhône-Alpes and LJK. I was supervised by Marie-Paule Cani and Basile Audoly, and I have been working on hair simulation. This web page only contains informations related to my PhD and Master thesis. >> Link to my new web page. |
In September 2007, I joined the BiPop team as a "Chargée de recherches" at INRIA in Grenoble, France. In 2006 - 2007, I did a post-doc at the IMAGER Lab of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, where I have been working with Robert Bridson and Christopher Batty on the the modeling of fluid-solid interactions for graphical applications. I defended my PhD the 23rd of June 2006 at INPG.Please visit my new web page for recent and updated research work.
PhD Work
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Main Publications during my PhD
For my most recent publications, please visit my new INRIA web page.The full list of my PhD publications is given here.
Publications in 2007
Our course proposal on hair modeling and simulation has been
accepted to SIGGRAPH 2007.
Organizer: Sunil Hadap
Speakers: Marie-Paule Cani, Sunil Hadap, Florence Bertails, Ming Lin, Kelly Ward, Steve Marschner,
Tae-Yong Kim, and Zoran Kacic-Alesic
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) - to appear
in March-April 2007
Realistic Hair from a Sketch
Shape Modeling International 2007, to appear
Publications in 2006
PhD thesis from Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble - 2006
2006 SPECIF award
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH conference) - August 2006
Publications in 2005
Graphics Interface - May 2005
Best student paper award
Eurographics (short papers) - August 2005
Publications in 2003
Adaptive Wisp Tree - a multiresolution control structure for simulating dynamic clustering in hair motion

ACM-SIGGRAPH/EG Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) - July 2003
The full list of my publications
Past Projects
Master Project on Hair Simulation (2001-2002)
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Simulation of Virtual Avalanches and Mudslides (Summer 2001)
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This work was part of a larger project that aimed at preventing risks in mountain. Several
labs from Grenoble participated to this project : LMC, LEVI, and CEMAGREF. In our team we focussed on getting simulations of virtual avalanches and mudlides as realistic as possible. This work was done in collaboration with Damien Hinsinger, and supervised by Marie-Paule Cani and Fabrice Neyret. See the specific page (in French) for further information. |
In 2002-2005, I worked at Département Télécom and ENSIMAG as a teaching assistant (CIES). I participated to the teaching of the following topics and/or projects: Probability and Statistics, Theory of Codes/Algorithmic, Applied Analysis, and Assembler Project in C.My project of "monitorat" consisted of creating, with four other teaching assistants, an exhibition stand of virtual reality for the "Fête de la Science 2004". Our project report (in French) is available here.
Kenny's Revenge (2002)
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The purpose of the 'Animation' course of the IVR Master is to learn basic techniques that
animators use when creating movies. In 2002, the final assignement consisted of creating a
short movie (based on SouthPark's theme), using Blender software. In this context, Jean-Sébastien Franco and I have created a 5 min-long movie telling a story about Kenny and nasty cows. Download the movie (86 Mb) See the (French) report in html |