Volumetric textures, introduced by Kajiya and Kay in 1989,
aims at modeling complex geometries by creating a
`volumetric skin' in the neighborhood of a surface.
This skin is composed of a repeated and deformed pattern,
as it is for a classical texture.
We have transformed this expensive method designed to model fur
into a general, user-friendly and efficient tool, that is able to
model, animate and render complex repetitive geometries
such as foliage, grass, forest, fur, etc...
Our representation is volumetric, multiscale, and encodes
a reflectance function in each voxel.
This allows us to use only the information that is necessary to obtain an
image. This one is thus computed quickly and without aliasing,
using a single ray per pixel.
We show also how to convert existing representations into volumes,
how to map volumetric textures,
and how to integrate the rendering into the standart ray-tracing algorithm.
The PhD thesis (in french)
in Postscript (15 Mo)
without color images: : 1.4 Mo)
or PDF (4 Mo).
The bibtex entry for this publication:
author = "Fabrice Neyret",
title = "Textures Volumiques pour la Synth{\`e}se d'images",
year = 1996,
school = {Universit\'{e} Paris-XI - INRIA},
note = {http://www-evasion.imag.fr/Membres/Fabrice.Neyret/publis/thesefabrice-eng.html}

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