The extension lais in a quite generic illumination coding, and more, in the ability of the model to be 'smoothed', so that the representation is similar to the mip-map 2D-textures coding.
Thus, it is now possible to compute quite quickly and with low aliasing very complicated scene, the details being represented adaptatively.
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The bibtex entry for this publication:
author = "Fabrice Neyret",
title = "A General and Multiscale Model for Volumetric
booktitle = "Graphics Interface '95",
editor = "Wayne A. Davis and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz",
year = "1995",
organization = "Canadian Information Processing Society",
publisher = "Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society",
month = may,
pages = "83--91",
note = "ISBN 0-9695338-4-5",
keywords = "volumetric textures, complex geometry, rendering",

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